Welcome to “Breadbags and Socks” a blog about anything I guess that I want to write about. I just looked at when I actually created this, it was April 9th 2009, I do remember thinking “hey I am going to do a blog” then after I got the URL and set up the account, I thought Fuck this Blogs are crap, just another way for some fuck to self-indulge himself in himself!! so I guess two years later I am ok with being that self-indulgent Fuck!!

Actually the last 3 years of my life have been so fucking crazy insane full of change, tragedy, triumph, discord, perspective and loss of perspective and identity that I am in a way seeking to refind that identity and I am hoping that doing this blog will actually be a bit therapeutic for me hell even if No one reads it, guess it’s like a virtual diary!

peace love and punk rock